A man’s tattoos illustrate a hard life…
This is a Q&A with the Tomic the gardener who lives in Dragon Abbey on Stormwreck Isle.
From assassin to gardener! Tomic’s transformation from a ruthless assassin to a peaceful gardener reflects a compelling journey of redemption and resilience.
A life of danger and mystery! Tomic’s life on Dragon Abbey is filled with peril and wonder, from sightings of wild Owlbears to unsettling omens in the sky.
A heartwarming perspective on community! Despite his troubled past, Tomic finds solace in the simple joys of gardening, sharing meals, and caring for the people around him.
At a word, Tomic is unremarkable. He wears plain hemp and linens, dirtied and scuffed here and there as evidence of his work in the gardens and fishing boat. He is almost always sporting a soft smile and a gruff, warm voice – though that vibe is betrayed by a curved and sharp tattoo that trails down his neck and into his shirt. Tomic usually fades into the background when he’s not the focus of attention.
Back when, I was a high-ranking guild assassin for The Housekeepers. I made a living as a poisoner, and I’ve led a poisoned life. I met a lover who helped me escape – first in heart, then in body. My love… She was killed as we left our old home, but I carry on what she taught me here, growing a garden and mending the sick for a new family. With everything that’s happened, though, I fear the Abbey is in for a rough time.